FE Admissions Policy 2024/25

Aim of policy

The purpose of this Policy is to ensure that the admissions process is consistent and fair to

all applicants and to provide advice for staff and associates working with and for the

Academy. We provide an inclusive learning environment whereby our learners develop their personal and intellectual potential. The Principal has overall responsibility for the operation of this policy. The selection criteria and interview procedures are reviewed from time to time, and adjusted as appropriate. The Admissions Policy is regularly monitored and reviewed, and may be subject to change.

The Academy aims to:

  • Be consistent throughout the application, interview, offer and enrolment process;
  • Be committed to providing clear, accurate, complete and accessible information on its courses, relevant entry requirements and associated admissions procedures;
  • Be accountable to all stakeholders;
  • Be committed to ensuring equality of opportunity for all persons seeking to study with the Academy;
  • Ensure each applicant is individually assessed, without partiality or bias, in accordance with the policy on equal opportunities. 

Confidentiality – Personal information will only be passed on with the applicant’s or learner’s consent.

Careers information, advice and guidance – This service is available and free of charge to all

eligible applicants. We provide self-service careers information, individual guidance

interviews and career planning. Appointments are currently available from Monday to Friday, from 09:00 until 17:30, and may be booked via any point of contact with the Admissions and Recruitment Team. The availability of this service is under constant review and is subject

to change to enable access to all who require it.

Accessibility – Information advice and guidance will be accessible to all eligible users.

Further help – This is available for applicants with learning difficulties and/or disabilities. Applicants are asked to contact the Admissions and Recruitment Team for further information.

Policy statements

Prospective Learners receive advice and guidance from the Admissions and Recruitment team and/or Course Tutors to support learners’ decisions as to the course of study best suited to their needs. Learners applying for full-time, part-time or apprenticeship programmes requiring interviews are made aware of the admissions procedures. Opportunities for learners to view the Academy and its facilities prior to the commencement of a course are currently arranged through one-to-one visits.

Entry requirements vary between programmes of study and course levels, and apply to all new and existing learners. Details are available on the BAJ website and corresponding information leaflets. In addition to the specific entry criteria for each course/programme, the Academy requires each learner to be motivated and committed to their studies.

The Academy reserves the right to request references and/or school reports for applicants depending upon the course/apprenticeship they are applying for, and may choose to interview once the relevant references and/or school reports have been received. Any criminal convictions declared by an applicant need to be declared to the Customer Service and Recruitment team at the application or interview stage. Certain convictions may lead to a refused enrolment.

The Academy reserves the right to refuse admission to an applicant/learner who has previously been excluded from this or any other educational institution.

The Academy reserves the right not to admit an individual who previously attended the Academy, but failed to make sufficient progress towards successfully completing their course/programme.

The Academy recognises its duty of care to learners and staff, and reserves the right not to admit a learner where there is evidence that there could be a threat or danger to others.

The Academy reserves the right not to admit a learner who has any outstanding debts with the Academy.

The Academy interviews and holistically assesses all applicants, applying for accredited courses, using all available information including but not limited to:

  • Academic record, including degree, BTEC, diploma, GCSE and AS (or equivalent) grades and marks and A Level (or equivalent) grades or predictions;
  • School/college or employer reference;
  • Personal statement; 
  • Submitted work, where requested;
  • Results of initial and diagnostic assessment performance at interview. 

The outcome of the interview is communicated to the applicant and he/she will receive either

a conditional offer along with the details of any conditions that need to be met, or advice on alternative options and/or courses available.

Applicants must accept the offer and return all requested documents to the Admissions and Recruitment Team within five working days or during the Assessment day. The applicant’s place on the course will not be confirmed until the conditions have been met in full.

All offers are made on the basis of:

  • There being sufficient demand for the course offered;
  • There being sufficient spaces available on the course concerned;
  • Meeting the entry requirements of the chosen course as specified on the website and course information leaflet;
  • Appropriate employment being secured for apprenticeship programmes. 

Learners may be offered an alternative course, or added to a waiting list, or signposted to other institutions. For non-accredited courses, applicants do not have to complete an application form or go through the interview process. The Academy requires learners to be either funded by a government body, self-financing or using an Advanced Learner Loan. All fees must be paid in full before the course begins.

All learners on a programme of study, traineeship or apprenticeship programme must complete all elements of the recruitment, enrolment and induction processes. Learners with a learning difficulty or disability can access appropriate support through the learning support referral route and will have opportunities to disclose a support need during the recruitment and enrolment process. Learners who withdraw for any reason after course tuition will still be liable to pay the outstanding balance. Progressing learners who do not meet their agreed contract may be subject to withdrawal.

Information collected in the recruitment and enrolment processes will adhere to the current legislation concerning data protection. The Academy actively supports and promotes equality and diversity in all matters relating to education and employment. Consequently the Academy aims to identify and eliminate attitudes, practices and procedures which discriminate against people on grounds of age, gender, race, sexual orientation, disability, religion/belief, gender reassignment, social background, marital status, nationality/citizenship or any personal characteristic of the individual(s), and the actions or comments are viewed as demeaning and unacceptable to the recipient.

Admissions appeals and complaints

All appeals and complaints received from applicants, schools or other agencies regarding the application process will be addressed individually. All appeals and complaints should be referred to the Principal.

The Head of Quality will conduct an initial investigation and forward all relevant paperwork to the Principal or nominee. A response to the appeal or complaint will be made in writing within 20 working days of receipt.

Admissions and Recruitment contact details:

Email address: admissions@baj.ac.uk

Originator: Quality Manager

Issue: FE/AP_V2 2024

Approved: SMT September 2024

Review Date: August 2025

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