FE Information, Advice and Guidance Policy 2024/25
Policy statement
The British Academy of Jewellery (BAJ) is committed to providing high- quality careers information, advice and guidance, which helps learners plan and manage their progression through learning and work. This Policy responds to the Academy’s duties, advice and guidance quality standards, and the Education Inspection Framework (Ofsted).
This Policy supports the following strategic objectives:
- To provide our students with the highest quality education and training, and an experience to match;
- To provide a robust education and skills offer at BAJ and beyond;
- To achieve external recognition for the quality of teaching, learning and outcomes for learners;
- To foster a culture of respect, equality and safety for all.
Entitlement statement
All BAJ learners are entitled to careers education, information, advice and guidance (CEIAG), which meets professional standards of practice and which is person-centred, impartial and confidential. It will be integrated into learners’ experience during their course and be based on a partnership with learners, and where applicable, with their parents or carers. Students are entitled to access personal guidance from appropriately qualified Careers Advisers. The Careers Programme will raise aspirations, challenge stereotyping, and promote equality and diversity.
Policy context
The new Education Inspection Framework (EIF) has a greater focus on the ‘quality of education’, enabling Ofsted to assess whether learners are receiving education or training that puts them on a path to future success. Ofsted wants to see providers developing the knowledge, skills and behaviours that learners need to progress and achieve. They also want to see how colleges are adding value to learners’ progression or employment prospects.
All learners need a planned programme of activities to help them choose pathways that are right for them, to be able to manage their life choices and sustain employability throughout their lives. CEIAG is designed to meet the needs of the learners at BAJ and those who are considering enrolling here. It is differentiated and personalised to ensure progression, through activities that are appropriate to the learners’ stages of career, learning, planning and development. Learners are entitled to CEIAG, which meets professional standards of practice and which is person-centred, impartial and confidential. CEIAG is delivered alongside opportunities for students to gain work experience.
The key principles upon which this policy is based are that CEIAG:The key principles upon which this policy is based are that CEIAG:
- Is personalised, provides opportunities to identify and respond to the needs of the individual, and builds on previous learning and experience;
- Is inclusive, recognises and promotes equality and diversity, challenges stereotypes and is sensitive to faith, culture and background;
- Is transparent, impartial and provides opportunities for confidentiality;
- Is enhanced by strong networks and collaborative approaches involving Student Services, curriculum teams and external partners;
- Contributes to increasing participation, retention and achievement by raising aspirations, helping students to make informed choices and to develop career management skills;
- Provides comprehensive information and advice;
- Ensures that feedback is sought from learners and Academy staff, and where appropriate, parents/carers, employers and other external partners.
Careers education is delivered through a variety of approaches, including planned activities delivered through curriculum areas, careers-related modules on vocational courses, stand-alone careers and work-related learning qualifications, and tutorial programme activities. Students also have the opportunity to further develop knowledge and skills through self-directed learning programmes/courses. This is supported by lessons, presentations, student access to online careers resources, activities and events planned by the Careers Team and staff, and guides developed and maintained by the Careers Team.
Careers and work-related learning activities include:
- Lessons and talks on topics linked to progression (such as UCAS) and job search activities (such as interview skills and looking for work);
- Planned visits to employers and universities;
- Talks from speakers, such as employers, university staff and training providers;
- A range of college-based and off-site activities (such as the annual HE/ Careers Fair and visits to employers);
- Opportunities to participate in volunteering activities and enterprise activities within and outside of the Academy;.
- Opportunities to undertake work experience placements and online work-related activities.
Careers information, advice and guidance include:
- Pre-entry course information and advice on post 16 pathways for potential applicants and parents/carers available through the BAJ website, during open days and by appointment with Careers Advisors;
- On course and progression information, advice and guidance;
- Individual advice, guidance and support with areas including HE choices, UCAS applications, finding jobs, apprenticeships, and other opportunities, as well as CVs, application forms and Student Finance.
Careers resources include:
- Careers software, which is available to all students, parents/carers and tutors, to support raising self-awareness, career exploration, career planning and goal setting, understanding careers and labour market information;
- Books and other reference materials, which are available in student and career hubs;
- Access to online careers information, presentations, opportunities for self-directed learning and career-related courses;
- Guides for looking for employment and apprenticeships, and all aspects of application to university.
Roles and responsibilities
- To be actively involved in and take ownership of their progression planning and career development;
- To punctually attend all planned tutorials, careers education and guidance activities;
- To work cooperatively with staff and fellow learners, respecting the views of others and the principles of equality and diversity.
BAJ staff are responsible for ensuring that:
- The Information Advice and Guidance Policy is reviewed and approved annually by the appropriate person;
- The Head of Operations is responsible for ensuring:
- All relevant staff and governors are aware of this policy;
- There are sufficient qualified, experienced staff and up-to-date- resources;
- All staff have access to training, support and resources which are appropriate to their role.
The member of staff responsible for the coordination of CEIAG is responsible for:
- Coordinating CEIAG activities, which are planned, developed and delivered by professionals from within and external to the Academy;
- Developing the Careers Strategy, Careers Policy and Careers programme (supported by the Head of Student Services);
- Ensuring that careers information resources are up to date and relevant;
- Ensuring that CEAIG services are promoted effectively and appropriately within and externally to the Academy;
- Coordinating the planning and delivery of small and large-scale career events in the Academy and externally;
- Overseeing the development and implementation of systems to record careers guidance activities within the Academy;
- Ensuring that feedback is gathered from students, staff and where appropriate, parents/carers, employers and other external partners.
Curriculum staff are responsible for:
- Providing sufficient course information and advice to enable prospective learners to make suitable choices pre-entry and during induction activities;
- Ensuring that learners are aware of specialist services, maintaining effective working links and making referrals for pre-entry, on-course and progression careers guidance when required;
- Ensuring that learners are aware of careers resources, careers programme and careers events and activities;
- Ensuring that there is a combination of careers education, information, advice and guidance opportunities offered, which are appropriate to their learners’ needs;
- Delivering careers-related lessons/presentations through tutorial programmes, career- related modules on vocational courses and/or stand-alone careers-related qualifications/programmes;
- Supporting students to take appropriate steps to undertake work experience placements and/or online work-related activities;
- Promoting equality of opportunity, being aware of confidentiality issues and dealing sensitively with information disclosed by learners.
Work experience staff are responsible for:
- Linking with curriculum areas to provide full-time 16-18 learners with support and guidance to ensure quality work experience is provided and that it is relevant to their programme of study;
- Tutorial visits to curriculum areas explaining work experience procedures and the learners’ responsibilities;
- Providing a safe environment for learners on placements through checks on insurance details and site visits for high-risk areas;
- Regular monitoring of the progress each team is making and producing reports;
- Facilitating access to virtual work experience opportunities.
Information, advice and personal guidance
Learners are informed about support available through the Careers Team, tutors and/or other support staff during their induction. Further information about the support available can be found on the BAJ website. The specialist Careers Team provides individual interviews with qualified and experienced advisors by request or through drop-in sessions. Learners and potential learners who require an impartial and confidential careers guidance interview (personal guidance) can self-refer or be referred by any member of staff at the Academy at any point in their learner journey.
Relevant and up-to-date information and advice is offered on learning opportunities and career choices. Learners may be referred to other specialist advice, either within the Academy or with external agencies (e.g. National Careers Service). BAJ staff receive information about the careers guidance service during their initial induction. Parents are informed about CEIAG support through information on the BAJ website and in prospectuses. Parents can also access information and advice through open days/evenings, during enrolment and can attend appointments with Careers Advisers.
The service has robust quality assurance systems and is evaluated by:
- Regular reviews of the delivery of CEIAG against standards (at least annually);
- Conducting regular internal reviews of the quality of CEIAG through Ofsted judgements, student surveys and other feedback mechanisms;
- Ensuring that the elements of the Matrix standards are being adhered to and working towards the Quality in Careers Standard;
- Contributing to] Academy self-assessment processes;
- Seeking additional feedback from BAJ staff and, where appropriate, parents/carers, employers and other external partners.
Originator: Quality Manager
Issue: FE/IAGP_V1 2024
Approved: SMT September 2024
Review Date: August 2025