FE Withdrawal Policy 2022/23


Policy Review

This policy will be reviewed in full annually   

The policy was last reviewed and agreed by Terry Patterson, on the 16th August 2022.

It is due for review in August 2023.


Aim of the Policy

This policy explains the meaning of a learner withdrawing and the policy also outlines the procedures and processes involved in this situation.

This document is applicable to all learners enrolled onto:

  1. An accredited qualification or programme of study
  2. A traineeship
  3. An apprenticeship
  4. A non-accredited course or programme of study e.g. short courses


A ‘Withdrawal’ is:

The complete termination of a learner’s registration in both the programme of study and all units associated with it.



  • The Academy can withdraw a learner if:
  • The outcome of Attendance and Punctuality related Disciplinary Meeting(s) results in an approved withdrawal;
  • The learner does not respond to communication from the Academy or fails to improve performance in regards to unauthorised absence or unauthorised lateness;
  • The learner breaches the Learner Charter agreement;
  • The learner acts in any way that puts the Academy into disrepute or places themselves or other learners or staff in danger; this includes failure to follow Health and Safety guidance.
  • The learner acts in any way that puts the company they are working in as part of their programme of study e.g. apprenticeship or traineeship, into disrepute or places other learners or staff in danger;
  • The learner does not respond to communication requesting attendance to the Learner Withdrawal Exit meeting;
  • The learner has an illness that will require external treatment that will result in the learner missing more than 10% of the course, apprenticeship or traineeship;
  • The learner has to leave because of a personal issue that will result in the learner missing more than 10% of the course, apprenticeship or traineeship;
  • It is discovered that the learner provided false information on their application form or false documents during the admissions process.
    • The member of staff must submit a Withdrawal Request Form to the Quality Manager; along with evidence of the learners last day of learning and all other relevant evidence e.g. letters, emails, incident reports or communication from external organisations, call logs, meeting minutes etc. No application will be considered without the supporting documentation
    • The learner will attend an exit interview with the Pastoral Care Lead and/or the Quality Manager and parents/legal guardian [if the learner is less than 18 years old].
    • The outcome of the meeting will be communicated to the learner and all relevant people within five working days.
    • The learner will pay, on request, all outstanding fees for the current course.


Withdrawal or Exit meetings conducted with a learner

If a learner is under 18 years of age, they must attend the review or exit meeting with a parent

or legal guardian. If a learner is 18 years or older, they can choose somebody to attend the

review meeting with them.


  1. All appeals regarding the transfer process will be addressed individually.  An appeal should be made in writing to the Quality Manager within three days of the decision.  The Quality Manager will respond within ten working days of receiving the appeal.  Any further appeal should be made in writing to the Head of Academy within three working days.  The Head of Academy will respond within five working days.


Withdrawal process guide for tutors and assessors

Prior to commencing the withdrawal of a learner from a course, the Tutor/Assessor should discuss with the learner and consult with the employer if the learner is an apprentice, if necessary, to establish the reasons for withdrawal. 

After all discussions have been exhausted and the only option left is withdrawal, the Tutor/Assessor will follow the process Annex A. 


Withdrawal due to securing alternative employment in relation to Apprenticeship Programme

If a learner withdraws early from a course due to securing alternative employment, a professional discussion should take place between the Tutor/Assessor, learner and new employer to ascertain whether re-engagement with the new employer is possible.


We improve retention by:

  • Giving appropriate information, advice and guidance to every prospective learner prior to and throughout their learner journey;
  • Maintaining accurate register of attendance and punctuality;
  • Monitoring progress through regular reviews and contact with the employer where necessary;
  • Following up all absences the same day;

Analysing destination and all other available data.

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