PLE Travelling Exhibition 2020

As part of our ongoing collaboration with the Parlement Lycéen Européen, we launched an international jewellery exhibition at our London campus in November 2020. The exhibition showcased jewellery made for PLE’s annual jewellery design initiative. Jewellery by five BAJ students was on display along with jewellery made by students from PLE partner schools across Europe.

After launching at our London campus, the PLE exhibition travelled to seven locations across Europe: Porto, Portugal; Saint-Amand, France; Namur, Belgium; Antwerp, Belgium; Valenza, Italy; Lisbon, Portugal; and Volos, Greece. This gives students an international platform from which to showcase their work and gives students at BAJ and all of our partner schools the chance to get inspired by jewellery made by their international peers.


Belinda Mary Hale

Cat Fiabane

Chloe Rae Leslie

Olivia Augusta Fussenegger

Tannaz Alizadeh Irani

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