

CAD Tutor and IQA, FE Diploma Digital Design Lecturer, BA Degree


Before Jack had retrained in traditional bench jewellery design and manufacturing, he worked as a 3D modeller making visuals for military flight simulators. Jack has been delivering jewellery CAD (Computer-Aided Design) training since 2006, offering developer-certified courses and private tuition in all major jewellery CAD packages (and several minor ones).

In the past, Jack managed jewellery CAD-based manufacturing businesses and design teams for various projects, and for several years ran a bespoke jewellery design label, pivoting to focusing full-time on teaching during the COVID lockdown.

Jack is currently the longest-serving tutor at the British Academy of Jewellery, and probably one of the longest-serving jewellery CAD tutors in the UK. He has spent many years developing and teaching courses relating to design, jewellery CAD/CAM software, production management, and business development. Jack has also spent many years advising individuals or companies as to ways to improve their productivity through technology. Currently, Jack offers CAD training in any one of several jewellery CAD software packages.

  • BA (Hons) Jewellery Design & Production
  • Level 3 Diploma in Jewellery Design & Manufacturing
  • London, Camden
  • London, Euston
  • 2D and 3D design (hand drawing as well as digital design software)
  • Design research
  • CAD and 3D printing
  • Professional practice
  • Brand and business development
  • BA in Computer Graphics, and a long list of smaller qualifications: IQA, PG Cert, two apprenticeships, etc.
  • Jack also has training certification in all major 2D and 3D CAD software packages used for jewellery design and manufacturing
  • Freeman of the Goldsmiths Company
  • Fellow of the Institute of Professional Goldsmiths

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