BAJ launches jewellery making experience: make a pendant for free at our Birmingham workshop

We are delighted to launch our new BAJ taster sessions for prospective students at our Birmingham campus. Our upcoming Jewellery-Making Workshop Experience: Make A Textured Pendant is an exciting, hands-on taster session giving attendees the chance to try their hand at jewellery making and see what it would be like to study a jewellery diploma with us.

Participants can test out jewellery manufacturing techniques and make their own copper pendant to take home. They will also get a feel for our workshop environment and be able to try annealing with a jeweller’s blowtorch; forming, shaping, filing and cutting the metal pendant, and adding pattern and texture.

Our admissions team will also be on hand to answer any questions about studying for our diploma programme. Our upcoming workshop experiences will take place on July 8 and July 21 at our Birmingham campus at the Birmingham Assay Office from 11am to 1pm. Click here to sign up for free and book your place

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