British Academy of Jewellery FE Learner Charter 2023/24


Annual Review

The Learner Charter was last reviewed and agreed byTerry Patterson August 2023

It is due for review in August 2024.

Studying at the British Academy of Jewellery

The ethos and experience at the Academy may be different from your experience at school, college, university or other training providers. The quality of the services that we deliver is balanced with the responsibilities you have committed to undertaking.


At the Academy, staff and learners work together in the co-production of education. Members of our community are expected to treat each other with respect.  Diversity and individuality are celebrated. Fulfilling your creative and professional potential is about more than just your formal learning experience. You will have access to additional opportunities, and support if you need help. For the Academy to provide the best possible experience, it is important that you have an opportunity to present your ideas and concerns.


Introduction to the Learner Charter

The Academy is committed to continually improving the quality of its services.

The Learner Charter explains what the Academy expects of you and how you can make the most of the opportunities that the Academy has to offer. It has been developed by staff representatives of the Academy, learners, and the Student Council and seeks to ensure the best possible experience for everyone studying and working at the Academy.

The Learner Charter is reviewed and updated each year by the Academy in consultation with teaching staff and students.


You can expect:

  1. To receive advice and guidance about your choice and suitability of your learning programme.
  2. To be offered and inducted onto a programme of learning, appropriate to your needs, abilities and intentions for the future.
  3. To receive a learner handbook that provides you with information about the Academy’s facilities, staff and course related information.
  4. Access to all updated policy documents.
  5. To receive Information and guidance on:
  • health and well-being;
  • available support for mental health issues and Specific Learning Difficulties;
  • equality, diversity and discrimination;
  • developing and managing your creative practice and career.
    1. Information of locations near the Academy where you and other learners of different faiths can go for prayer and reflection.
    2. Feedback to be used to enhance the quality of our teaching and learning.
    3. A clean learning and/or working environment that is compliant with health and safety regulations.
    4. To be provided with access to assessment opportunities enabling you to complete your course
    5. Support, both academically and personally, to help you complete your studies.
    6. Staff to be courteous, professional and efficient.
    7. Your views to be represented in review, planning and policy making.
    8. BAJ to use fair, transparent and efficient procedures for dealing with complaints, appeals and disciplinary matters.

The Academy expects you:

  1. To provide accurate and true information to the Academy and keep the Academy advised of any changes of data;
  2. To comply with Academy rules, policies, regulations and all relevant legislation;
  3. To wear your Learner ID at all times and not give it to others to use;
  4. To attend punctually and take part in all learning activities provided by the Academy;
  5. To maintain an attendance record of 90% for the duration of the course;
  6. To maintain punctuality at 95% or above for the duration of the course;
  7. To submit your own work, not plagiarise from other sources, and meet all deadlines;
  8. To use our facilities with respect and consideration for others;
  9. Take opportunities to be represented in review, planning and policy making;
  10. Complete evaluations and other types of student surveys;
  11. Use opportunities to participate in elections for student class representatives;
  12. To comply with health and safety procedures and the appropriate wearing of PPE.

The Academy expects learners NOT to:

  1. Bring onto Academy premises or carry any knives, guns or other offensive weapons;
  2. Bring onto Academy premises or consume or use on Academy premises any alcohol or illegal drugs or take part in gambling activities;
  3. Attend the academy while under the influence of alcohol or drugs
  4. Use mobile phones for personal use or reasons during lessons, examinations/assessments or in the corridors when lessons are taking place;     
  5. Use headphones or earphones during lessons unless except permitted by your tutor;
  6. Make any fraudulent claims/alter documents or Academy records etc.;
  7. Use inappropriate or offensive language or behavior both on and off the training sites;
  8. Bully or harass others, including through social media or other online means, or encourage and join in with such behavior;
  9. Bring the Academy into disrepute;
  10. Eat in any teaching rooms or bring in uncovered drinks;
  11. Fight or use the threat of violence, or encourage and join in with such behavior;
  12. Not use our IT facilities to search inappropriate content and only use them to aid your learning.

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