HE Tuition Fee Policy
1. Introduction
1.1 BAJ is committed to providing students with clear, accurate and timely financial information relating to their study on their Undergraduate course. This document sets out the BAJ policy concerning the charging, remission and refund of fees and associated charges relating to teaching of undergraduate and HNC/D Higher Education courses. It also includes students within partner/franchise arrangements.
1.2. This policy is reviewed annually unless revisions are required due to policy or legislative changes. The BAJ Board approves it. Student opinion is sought via committee.
1.3. Fees are set in line with government policy and are submitted each year to the Office for Students, the independent regulator of higher education in England Home – Office for Students.
2. Purpose
2.1. This policy document sets out the fundamental fee charging principles of BAJ. It explains ways in which students can settle tuition fees, and how tuition fees are recalculated arising from changes in students’ circumstances.
2.2. The document indicates the consequences of non-payment in tuition fees and the appeals process that can be followed.
3. Scope
3.1. This document is applicable to all students who pay tuition fees; these being self- paying students, sponsored students, and students whose loans are being paid by the Student Loans Company (SLC).
3.2. This policy is monitored by the Finance Department, who ensure that the Policy is adhered to, is transparent and consistently applied. The Finance Department will also respond to fee queries and tuition fee appeals will be dealt with in Appendix B.
3.3 Tuition fee principles
3.3.1. The British Academy of Jewellery annually charges fees for its programmes of study identified in Appendix A
3.3.2. Full-time course tuition fees are charged at a set annual rate and are not calculated in respect of the number of credits being studied, unless students are repeating units/ modules or qualify as a new entrant on a full-time course with recognised prior learning.
3.3.3. Part-time courses delivered at London are charged credit fees based on the standard study route, pro rata of 100% of the full-time course fees. However franchise part-time fees charged are set annual amounts. Students cannot study credit values for less than the standard study intensity of the course unless they are repeating units or enter the course with recognised prior learning.
3.3.4. Students will pay the fee regime in place at their initial enrolment on the course, subject only to annual increases. This commitment will hold good for the normal course length plus two years. After this time has lapsed, if for any reason students have not completed their course, including periods of interruption/intermission, students will be charged the new fee regime. However, undergraduate students eligible for tuition fee loans under an old fee regime will continue to be charged this fee regime.
3.3.5. The Office for Students (OfS) sets the maximum tuition fee chargeable for full-time UK and EU undergraduate students.
3.3.6. Tuition fees are subject to annual increases as follows:
- Full-time and part-time undergraduate UK, EU and Channel Islands students’ fees may increase annually subject to setting by central government.
- All tuition fees are subject to the maximum fee limits set out in OfS regulations; we intend to increase fees each year using the RPI-X.
3.3.7. Tuition fees are subject to annual increases as follows:
- New and continuing students’ fees can be found at BAJ ‘Study’ baj.ac.uk.
4. Related documents
4.1. The HE Tuition Fee Policy operates alongside other related Academy policies. These policies work together to provide a framework for the setting, payment, collection, and reconciliation of tuition fees in line with the academic regulations. These policies are updated annually and apply to each new registration period.
4.2. This policy is based on the expectations outlined by the Competition Markets Authority to ensure BAJ demonstrate the relevant baseline regulatory requirements of the HE sector and ensure compliance with:
- Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations 2008 (CPRS)
- Consumer Contracts (information, Cancellation and Additional Charges) Regulations 2013 (CCRs)
- Unfair terms legislation (at the date of publication, the relevant legislation is the Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts Regulations 1999 (UTCCRs)
- The Office of Independent Adjudicators
- baj.ac.uk/policies/
- HE Student Charter (all HE students)
- Terms and Conditions of Admissions and Enrolment (year of academic entry)
- IEG Policy 101 Equality and Diversity
- Academic Regulations of validating partner (Pearson, Kingston University)
5. Responsibilities
5.1. Students retain ultimate liability for the payment of their fees, whether invoiced or not, including where sponsorship agreements have been approved.
5.2. The British Academy of Jewellery reserves the right to exclude any students who fail to pay their tuition fees, or make satisfactory arrangements to pay on, or by a set period after the start date of their course (see section – Sanctions for Non-Payment). Further, BAJ reserves the right to prevent students from participating in graduation ceremonies if tuition fee and non-tuition fee related debts are due.
5.3. In accordance with published guidelines, UK and EU students studying full-time and part-time undergraduate programmes can defer their tuition fee payment by taking out a tuition fee loan. For guidance see baj.ac.uk/frequently-asked-questions and search for ‘funding section’. Students may also choose to make full or partial contributions to their fees on or before registration as set out in section 9.1. Transfer-in students from another UK Higher Education Institution, who are assessed for national support and deferring all or part of their fee, should submit a copy of their Student Finance Entitlement Letter at or before registration. All student liability not covered by the tuition fee loan or grant should be paid as set out in section 9.
5.4. All other students, either not eligible or choosing not to defer payment, should refer to section 9.
5.5. Fee information advice is available from the BAJ finance team, by contacting finance@baj.ac.uk.
6. Risk analysis
6.1. BAJ is committed to the provision of comprehensive, open, and transparent information ensuring accurate, relevant, and current procedures are followed enabling applicants to make an informed decision. Failure to have this policy in place or non-adherence may result in inconsistent practices leading to dissatisfaction and poor reputation as well as failure to demonstrate the expected baseline regulatory requirements of an HE provider.
7. Data protection
7.1. To apply this Policy, BAJ may record details of the amounts received from students and it will store that data for a period of six years. Information collected is treated as confidential by all staff involved in this process and is not divulged unnecessarily or inappropriately. BAJ may be required to release certain information to UK authorities upon request to assist those authorities with the prevention and detection of fraud or other crimes. We will release the requested information on receipt of an appropriate request from UK authorities such as (but not limited to) the police, Home Office (for immigration and related matters), local authorities, and the Department for Work and Pensions. We may use anonymised data collected as part of an individual’s application and enrolment for the purpose of fulfilling statistical and reporting requirements.
8. Procedure
8.1 How to pay fees
8.1.1 Student Finance England (SFE)/Wales (SFW)/Scotland (SAAS) Loan: Tuition fees are paid directly to BAJ for students who are in receipt of a Student Finance England tuition fee loan. If payment is not received from SFE the student becomes liable to pay any tuition fee due.
8.1.2. Employer Sponsor: Students being funded by an employer must provide evidence before they are permitted to enrol. Fees are payable in full on receipt of an invoice. If a sponsor does not pay within 30 days of the date of the invoice the student becomes liable to pay any tuition fee due. Sponsorship may be declined if the employer has outstanding fees to pay to BAJ. Evidence can be in the form of a sponsor letter confirming the student’s details and fee payment. The letter must be signed and on company headed paper with the following information:
- Student name
- Course
- Year of study
- How much they are paying
- Purchase order if applicable
8.1.3. Self-Financing: Students may pay by instalments. Students will need to sign a declaration and pay an initial instalment at the time of enrolment, then arrange a payment plan for the balance with BAJ. Payment by instalments does not reduce the commitment of students to pay the tuition fee in full. Students who have defaulted on instalment agreements will be required to pay outstanding fees before any future enrolment is accepted.
8.1.4. Method of payment: Self-funding students enrolling at BAJ must make full tuition fee payment, or pay a deposit and set up instalment payments, on or before their first lesson.
8.2. Sanctions for non-payment
8.2.1 Students who have an outstanding debt and wish to continue with their studies will be prevented from re-enrolling on their course until such time that the debt is paid in full, or an acceptable agreement has been reached.
- The payment of fees is the responsibility of the student and, in the event of a student’s sponsor failing to make payment, the student will be held personally liable for payment.
- Defaults on payment are treated seriously and may lead to withdrawal of services or exclusion from study.
- Students who have their study terminated because of non-payment of fees will not be permitted to continue their studies or attend graduation.
8.2.2. Students who have an outstanding debt and wish to continue with their studies will be prevented from re-enrolling on their course until such time that the debt is paid in full, or an acceptable agreement has been reached.
- The payment of fees is the responsibility of the student and, in the event of a student’s sponsor failing to make payment, the student will be held personally liable for payment.
- Defaults on payment are treated seriously and may lead to withdrawal of services or exclusion from study.
- Students who have their study terminated because of non-payment of fees will not be permitted to continue their studies or attend graduation.
8.3. Calculating tuition fees
8.3.1. The tuition fee charged per student is determined by the residential status, mode of study, course, and the student attendance.
8.3.2. Residential Status: Students are assessed as either being a Home/EU or international fee payer during the admissions process. The definition of which can be found at ukcisa.org.uk. If BAJ is unable to determine the residential status of an applicant a questionnaire will be sent to the applicant requesting additional information and from this these fees will be calculated.
8.3.3. The Finance Team reserves the right to amend an applicant’s fee status after a formal offer is made because of:
- Mode of study: Part time students will be charged according to the number of credits pro rata to the applicable full-time tuition fee.
- Course: Tuition fees vary depending on if the course is an HNC, HND or undergraduate programme. The fees for each are published on our website baj.ac.uk and information about fees are provided to the student in their offer letter prior to enrolment.
- Students attendance: The tuition fee amount charged may be reduced if a student withdraws, intermits, and transfers course before the fee liability points outlined in 9.9.3.
8.3.4. Students required to repeat all or part of a period of study, in attendance, are liable to pay a tuition fee based on the number of credits being repeated.
8.4. Fee assessment (completed at time of application)
8.4.1. To ensure that students pay the correct course fee to our Academy (international or home) and if we have queries, we may require a student to complete a Fee Assessment Form so we can assess their fee status. Fee assessments are required when information on the student’s residential status, mode of study and or course is not clear on documents provided at application or enrolment.
8.4.2. Copies of documents confirming the student’s immigration status in the UK must be returned with the fee assessment form by the deadline stated on the request. For example, the photo page in their passport, entry clearance stickers, stamps from the UKBA (home office)/biometric ID card (both sides) plus any other documents that are appropriate to this fee assessment.
8.4.3. We would recommend that student the UK Council for International and Student Affairs (UKCISA) website at ukcisa.org.uk for further details of the UK Government eligibility requirements where they can download the UKCISA Guidance Note ‘Tuition Fees: will I pay the ‘home’ or ‘overseas’ rate?’
8.4.4. Completed fee assessment forms should be submitted together with supporting evidence as a PDF attachment to finance@baj.ac.uk. Forms will be acknowledged.
8.5. Fee liability
8.5.1. All students are liable to pay tuition fees. When a student enrols, they are accepting personal liability and payment of course fees, even if it is intended that these will be paid by someone else, for example an employer or Student Finance England.
8.5.2. If the student is studying on a course which lasts for more than one academic year, the student must ensure that in each academic year the tuition fees are paid when registering on the course
8.5.3. All students must ensure that they pay 100% of their tuition fee on or before they enrol each academic year unless the student has entered an authorised instalment payment arrangement or can provide proof of third-party funding. This includes Student Finance England tuition fee loan agreements. Failure of a sponsor paying will result in the student becoming liable to pay their tuition fee.
8.6. Additional charges
8.6.1. Additional costs are the compulsory or optional expenses you may need to pay during your studies in addition to the tuition fee. These are stated on the website.
8.7. General costs for all students
8.7.1. Course textbooks: Key course textbooks are available from the Learning Resource Centre or via online resources. If you wish to purchase your own, we try to limit these to one or two per module.
8.7.2. Library charges: Overdue charges apply to all library loans to encourage you to return any resources you borrow on time.
8.7.3. Printing and copying: There is no charge for hand-outs or handbooks provided during lectures. Students must pay for their own printing for coursework and dissertations which are available from the facilities on campus.
8.7.4. Stationery: Students are required to provide their own stationery, writing equipment, calculator, notepads, and craft equipment.
8.7.5. Computers/Laptops: A limited number of laptops are available for students to hire for use on a first come, first served basis whilst on campus or you can use computers in the study areas. Students are encouraged to buy their own laptop but are advised to seek student discounts.
8.7.6. Non-mandatory trips and visits related to your course: At times, your course may offer theatre visits, options to participate in extracurricular activities or work experience, attendance at this is non-mandatory and may incur a fee.
8.7.7. Replacement ID card: If you lose your student ID, a replacement costs up to £5 per card.
8.7.8. Resits: If you need to resit, we do not charge students for a second assessment submission providing this is undertaken in the same academic year. However, a subsequent failure will result in a charge to resit the module with attendance.
8.7.9. Graduation ceremony: When you graduate, you will be invited to a graduation ceremony, which is free for you to attend. Guests will have to pay for tickets to attend. To take part you will need to pay to hire an academic robe to wear during the ceremony. There are additional costs for photographs which are optional.
8.7.10. Post-Graduation: It should be noted that additional transcripts or replacement certificates will incur a cost determined by the accrediting body.
8.7.11. Course-specific costs: There may be additional costs for items relating to the courses highlighted on individual course web pages.
8.7.12. Additional qualifications: Any qualification that is additional to the programme e.g., coaching, or personal training is not included in the tuition fee.
8.7.13. Other costs, accommodation, travel to campus, social events and recreational costs are not included in the tuition fee.
8.7.14. All fees/charges due must be fully paid before completion of your award or qualification. Any outstanding debts will result in a delay in obtaining your award and may affect your eligibility to attend the graduation ceremony.
8.8. Withdrawal/discontinuation and payment of fees/refund
8.8.1. Students intending to withdraw from a course once they have enrolled must contact Student Services for an exit interview and to complete a withdrawal form. Students must also seek advice from Student Finance England (if applicable) before they withdraw to ensure that they are aware of the fee consequence of their decision.
8.8.2. If a student withdraws from the course, the SFE ceases making payments to BAJ immediately. Therefore, the student shall be liable for any remaining fees not paid by SFE. The student will be invoiced with payment due in 30 days.
8.8.3. If a student’s last date of academic engagement is after the first three weeks of their studies, each academic year, there will be a financial implication which will be discussed in detail at enrolment and during a student’s exit interview. SFE may not pay the students full tuition fee liability if they withdraw after three weeks. This will mean the student will be invoiced for a portion of their fees.
8.8.4. If a student’s last date of academic engagement is within the first three weeks of their studies, each academic year, they will not incur tuition fee liability for that year of study. Fees paid will be reimbursed using the same means of payment as used for the initial transaction unless expressly agreed otherwise. The refund will be made to you no later than 14 days after the day on which we are informed of the decision to cancel the contract. Refund details are discussed below (section 9.8.4).
8.8.5. Depending on the date of your withdrawal, Student Finance may not pay your full tuition fee liability, so a portion of your fee may be re-invoiced to you to pay back directly to the Academy.
8.9. Intermission of study (agreed suspension of study)
8.9.1. Registered students may apply for a period of intermission of up to 12 calendar months during which they may suspend their studies. Any period of intermission must be authorised in writing and in advance by Student Services. It is expected that students will liaise with SFE/SFW/SAAS or their employer to resolve any financial or funding issues.
8.9.2. The student’s tuition fee liability will be calculated in the same way as outlined in 9.9.3.
8.10. Discontinuation
8.10.1. Students may be withdrawn by BAJ in the following circumstances:
- Failure to maintain satisfactory attendance.
- Failure to re-enrol by the start of a new academic year.
- Failure to return following an agreed period of intermission.
- Failure to make academic progress.
8.10.2. The student’s tuition fee liability will be calculated in the same way as outlined in 9.9.3.
8.11. Refunds
8.11.1. If a student leaves before they complete their course, it is the student’s responsibility to seek fee advice and apply for a refund if applicable.
8.11.2. All refund claims must be made in writing on the appropriate form, which may be obtained from BAJ. All claims must normally be made within 28 days of the date of withdrawal.
8.11.3. All claims must be supported by evidence of payment.
8.11.4. Refunds only apply to the tuition fees paid in the academic year in which the student leaves.
8.11.5. If any payment of fees is to be refunded (either fully or in part) the refund will be made to the card account or bank account from which the original payment was made. Any refund of Fees for a Student who is sponsored, is returned to the sponsor not to the student.
8.11.6. The circumstances when we will give a refund are:
- If you are seriously ill and receive a doctor’s certificate which confirms your illness is likely to disrupt or prevent you from continuing your studies (we will refund any remaining weeks of your course from the date we received your doctor’s certificate).
- If we cancel your course.
- Within the 3-week liability point.
- A complaint is upheld.
8.12. Repeat study/trailing modules
8.12.1. Repeating study: Students who repeat/retake a course or unit (as distinct from having a referral) must pay the appropriate fee which will be as defined in the fee schedule relating to the academic year in question. Students who repeat a module/unit or year of study and are funded by SFE will need to check their future funding entitlement before committing to their study.
8.12.2. Transfer – baj.ac.uk/transferring-course/
Students who change course and are consequently registered for a different course, or who change the mode of study may be required to pay a different fee. Additional fees must be paid as part of the transfer process and before the new course or mode of study is undertaken. A Transfer Form must be completed and a copy including fee information must be provide to the Academy finance office. No change of course or mode of study can take place without academic approval.
8.12.3. Payment calendar and liability points (updated annually based on guidance gov.uk/studentfinance). Additional Funding and Bursary payments for 2020/21. You may be entitled to the following additional funding when you become a BAJ student, and more information can be found on the website.
- Low Income Bursary (up to £500 per year)
- Care Leavers Bursary (up to £500 per year)
- Student Ambassador Bursary (up to £1,000 per year)
8.12.4. Low Income Bursary (household income <£25,000) = £500 per annum for full time. To be assessed as eligible for the low-income bursary students must meet the following criteria:
- New student to BAJ enrolling in 2023/24.
- Paying the maximum tuition fee through Student Finance England.
- Studying full-time on an accredited Undergraduate Degree programme.*
- Have an assessed household income of under £25,000 from Student Finance England and be in receipt of their financial support.**
- Fully enrolled and in attendance at the time of each payment.
- Have validated bank details registered on our secure system.
* Part-time will be pro-rata depending on the number of credits studied.
** Only relates to the Low-income bursary.
Student Starting January 2025 | Amount Due |
Week 0 – Week 3 | 0% |
Week 4 – Week 15 | 50% (Note – SFE will only pay half of this fee) |
Week 16 – Week 19 | 100% (Note – SFE will only pay half of this fee) |
Week 20 onwards | 100% |
Student Starting October 2024 | Amount Due |
Week 0 – Week 3 | 0% |
Week 4 – Week 15 | 50% (Note – SFE will only pay half of this fee) |
Week 16 – Week 19 | 100% (Note – SFE will only pay half of this fee) |
Week 20 onwards | 100% |
8.12.5. Care Leaver Bursary = £500 per annum
To be assessed as eligible for the Care Leaver Bursary there is no separate application. All students will be considered for the bursary automatically based on the information supplied in their course application. Applicants will additionally be required to submit evidence of Care Leaver status.
8.12.6. Student Ambassador Bursary = up to £1,000 per annum
You can receive up to a £1,000 tax-free bursary by becoming a BAJ Student Ambassador. The benefit of becoming an Ambassador is that it will increase employability when you graduate, develop personal and presentation skills and you will inspire prospective students to go to university. This bursary is available following application and interview. These bursaries are limited.
In addition to a tuition fee loan, students may also be eligible for one of the following sources of external financial help:
8.12.7. Maintenance Loan for living costs – the loan is paid directly into the student’s bank account at the start of term. The loan must be paid back. Details of household income may be required and this is limited to full-time students.
8.12.8. Students with children or dependent adults
You can apply for:
- Childcare Grant – full-time students only
- Parents’ Learning Allowance – full-time students only
- Adult Dependants’ Grant – full-time students only
- Child Tax Credit
8.12.9. Disabled Student Allowance (DSA)
As a higher education student living in England, you can apply for a Disabled Students’ Allowance (DSA) if students have a disability, including a long-term health condition, mental health condition and/or specific learning difficulty, e.g., dyslexia. Students must meet the definition of disability under the Equality Act 2010. The support you get depends on your individual needs and not on income.
Disabled Students’ Allowances (DSAs) are paid on top of other student finance. They help you pay the extra costs you may have due to a disability. They do not have to be repaid. How much a student receives depends on individual needs – not household income. Money is paid either into the student bank account or directly to the organisation providing the service or equipment.
Students will need to download and fill in a form to apply for Disabled Students’ Allowances (DSAs) or to claim back expenses for the year.
8.12.10. Disabled Student Allowance (DSA)
Debt and hardship
The Access, Welfare and Hardship Fund (AWHF) is a discretionary with primary purpose to relieve financial hardship that might cause a student to leave higher education.
For more information on the AWHF or for an application form please visit the Student Support Centre or contact us via HEAdmissions@baj.ac.uk.
If a student experiences tuition fee debt or requires student loan debt assistance, then advice should be sought from a Student Adviser (from Student Support at HEAdmissions@baj.ac.uk. If a student is experiencing debt elsewhere, they can get advice from local Citizens Advice Bureaus.
8.13. List of European Union (EU) and European Economic Area (EEA) member states
Austria | Greece | Norway* |
Belgium | Hungry | Poland |
Bulgaria | Iceland* | Portugal |
Croatia | Ireland | Romania |
Cyprus | Italy | Slovakia |
Czech Republic | Latvia | Slovenia |
Denmark | Liechtenstein* | Spain |
Estonia | Lithuania | Sweden |
Finland | Luxembourg | United Kingdom |
France | Malta | |
Germany | Netherlands |
*Countries that are EEA member countries that are not part of the European Union are Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway. Switzerland is not an EU/EEA country. accurate as of 11/09/20
8.14. Queries – if you have any questions regarding this document, please contact finance on finance@baj.ac.uk.
8.15. Fee status appeal process:
8.12.1. Individual staff of the Academy are not permitted to vary or waive fees. When extenuating circumstances warrant an investigation into the amount of fee charged according to the current fee policy, a student should submit a query by email to HEStudentServices@baj.ac.uk.
Following this an appeal can then be submitted to the BAJ Student Services using the attached templates (Appendix B). The appeal should include any supporting documentation and the email subject heading should be clearly marked FEE APPEAL – (Student ID). The appeal stage 1 will be acknowledged and considered within 20 working days of receipt under normal circumstances. An investigation will be performed to collate information from all interested parties and will be considered by an impartial panel. Recommendations to uphold or reject the appeal will be made by the panel and confirmed in writing. If the student is able to present additional information and disagrees with the outcome of the stage 1 appeal, a stage 2 appeal can be submitted which is the end of the internal process.
8.12.2. Appeals will only be considered if submitted using the correct paperwork.
8.16. Complaints
8.12.1. Students who consider this Policy has not been correctly applied in their case, or who have a concern about the accuracy of the fee they are being charged, or the decision about the termination of their studies and cancellation of their registration at BAJ on financial grounds, may bring a complaint under the Complaints Procedure by presenting relevant evidence to support their concerns. The Higher Education Student Complaint Process procedure can be found at baj.ac.uk/policies.
9. Procedure – Appendix A
Course fees 2024/25 (agreed and published)
Kingston University | |
Undergraduate degrees | £9,000 per year |
British Academy of Jewellery | |
Higher Nationals | £6,000 per year |
The British Academy of Jewellery reserves the right to increase the fee for courses that charge below the current maximum level (£9250) by the Retail Price Index (RPI-X) p.a. during a student’s time on the course.
Course fees 2024/25 (proposed)
Kingston University (BA Jewellery/Business Level 6 Top Up) | |
Undergraduate degrees | £9,000 per year |
HNC Jewellery /Business /Digital Technologies | |
Higher Nationals | £6,999 per year |
Originator: Quality Manager: Higher Education
Issue: HE/TFP_V2 2024
Approved: SMT September 2024
Review Date: August 2025