Health & Safety Policy 2024/25
Aim of policy
To minimise the number of accidents and work-related illnesses to the lowest level practicable.
Management of health and safety is an integral part of our business and is given the highest priority. Compliance with health and safety legislation is regarded as the minimum standard to be adhered to.
This policy is non-contractual. The guidelines required to meet our objectives and for the implementation of this policy are detailed within our Health and Safety Manual which will be kept with security at reception.
We accept our responsibility for providing a clean and safe environment in which all staff and learners can work. It is our duty to take reasonable measures necessary for accident and fire prevention and to protect the health, safety and welfare of our employees, learners and visitors to our premises.
This policy requires the full cooperation and understanding of all staff, learners and visitors to our premises. All work must be carried out in a safe manner and staff and learners have responsibilities under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974. Any potential risk (such as faulty equipment or process) must be reported to the appropriate person, and all health and safety instructions must be followed.
Any neglect of health and safety requirements will be regarded as a serious disciplinary matter. Where an action or neglect is so dangerous as to constitute gross misconduct, the staff member of the learner concerned will be liable to disciplinary procedures and even prosecution.
We provide personal protective equipment if required and ensure our staff and learners are given whatever training is necessary to understand the equipment they work with and to make them aware of any potential hazard and risks.
Information is provided to staff and learners about particular hazards or dangerous substances related to their jobs. Safety notices throughout the workplace are clear and prominent.
Organisation and responsibilities
The management team will:
- Devise any amendments to the Academy Health & Safety Policy as may be necessary, and enforce the requirements of this policy.
- Allocate employees, funds and materials within the approved Academy budget to meet the needs of the health and safety requirements of the Academy.
- Appoint an employee to be responsible for establishing and maintaining effective policies and risk assessments for health and safety within the Academy.
- Implement safe plans, equipment and systems of work.
- Implement safe arrangements for the use, handling, storage and transportation of articles and substances.
- Make available sufficient information, instruction, training and supervision as are necessary to ensure the health and safety at work of all staff and learners.
- Assess the risks that its activities present, to avoid or eliminate them, and if that is not possible, to minimise and control them with the provision of the necessary resources.
- Take responsibility for any place of work under the employer’s control in a condition that is safe and without risk to health, including means of access and egress.
- Ensure there are adequate health and welfare facilities.
One staff member will be nominated as the Health and Safety Representative and will be responsible for:
- (a) Communicating to the Management Team any complaints by any member of staff or learner he/she represents relating to that employee or learner’s health, safety or welfare at work.
- (b) Promoting health and safety in the workplace.
Hazard reporting
Any suspected hazard will be reported to the technician, who will notify the Health and Safety Representative if further action is required. Any employee whose work involves a hazard is authorised to cease the activity concerned until the hazard has been reported and if required, the Group Head of Security, Property & Facilities confirms or rejects the action taken.
It is the policy of the Academy to take all reasonably practicable steps to avoid accidents occurring. In the event of an accident, the first concern will be the care of the person or persons who have suffered injury. The accident will be reported to the persons detailed on the incident report form. The reporter shall ensure that adequate arrangements are made for the care of any injured persons. It is our policy to investigate all accidents, including those not involving injury, and arrangements for the investigation are made by the technician who reports the result of the investigation to the Health and Safety Representative.
Safety rules/codes of practice
Safety rules are essential to ensure the health and safety of staff and learners who work in the areas to which they relate. This applies particularly to the workshops, kitchens and fire precautions. Such rules as are considered necessary are drawn up in consultation with representatives of the employees and are attached to this document as codes of practice.
Hazard identification
All activities, processes, substances and workplaces must be risk-assessed under the direction of the Health and Safety Representative.
COSHH Assessment
Attention is drawn to the Academy-wide COSHH Assessment. Steps must be taken to conform to these Assessments. The central COSHH Assessment register is held by the technician. All activities involved with substances must be risk assessed.
The Academy attaches importance to the need for good house-keeping practices. It is policy to ensure that floors are kept free of anything that may cause slipping or tripping and that no waste materials, which could cause injury if trodden on, are allowed to remain where they fall. Items stored on shelves are stored in such a way as to ensure that they do not cause injury to anyone working in the vicinity or to anyone passing by. Rubbish is not to be allowed to accumulate in any working area and passageways are kept clear at all times.
Special hazards
Portable electric mains-operated equipment will be used only where this does not entail trailing power leads across walkways. Inflammable liquids are not permitted in any room in the Academy in quantities that are in excess of that required to meet immediate needs and no radiant heat source will be used in any circumstances in which such use could incur a risk of fire or explosion.
Maintenance and inspection of machinery
It is the policy of the Academy to ensure that all equipment and machinery used by the Academy is maintained in accordance with the instructions issued by the manufacturer. Where manufacturers’ instructions are not available, the Group Head of Security, Property & Facilities will seek advice to obtain such advice as may be needed for preparing those instructions. No maintenance will be carried out on any equipment or machinery while it is in use and it is the responsibility of the operator to ensure that all power-operated equipment is isolated from its source before maintenance work begins and that power is not restored until after the person who carries out the maintenance gives formal notification that the maintenance work has been completed. Appropriate records will be kept by the technician.
Joint consultation
It is Academy policy to ensure that there is full consultation with representatives of the staff on all matters concerning health and safety at work. It is Academy policy to encourage every staff member to seek to identify hazards within the work situation and to bring any hazards that are identified to the notice of the technician without delay.
The tutors will be the focal point for day-to-day references on safety, and give advice or indicate sources of advice. They will act as a source for the retention and dissemination of safety information.
The following are expressly forbidden and are offences against the law:
- (a) Any interference with the fire alarm installation or fire-fighting equipment.
- (b) Any alteration or interference with the electrical wiring, oxygen manifold or gas piping of the Academy buildings without permission of the Principal.
Group Head of Security, Property & Facilities
The Group Head of Security, Property & Facilities is responsible for the following:
Safety inspection
This will be achieved by inspections of the working environment carried out regularly by the appropriate staff members responsible for programme delivery and coordination. A record of each inspection will be kept and remedial action taken.
Personal protective equipment
The wearing of Personal Protective Clothing is mandatory for all employees, learners and visitors where the risk assessment has advised this to be the course of action in order to reduce the risk of harm. Clear guidelines will be given by members of staff to learners at the beginning and continually throughout their course. A Personal Protective Clothing Register will be maintained by the technician.
Fire notices
These notices are displayed in all classrooms, offices and on notice boards throughout the Academy. All learners have their attention drawn to the fire notices during induction week. Fire drills take place at regular intervals. All new members of staff and learners are informed of what to do in the case of fire by their tutor or the technician. All employees are inducted on how to use the fire equipment in their work area and must ensure that learners know the fire procedures. It is the policy of the Academy that students should not operate or use fire fighting equipment, but should evacuate the building.
First aid
Rooms containing first aid boxes have a white cross on a green background sign. A sign is displayed of all those holding recognised First Aid Certificates. First aid can be administered only by those with appropriate qualifications.
New hazards
Any new products, equipment or premises are risk assessed by the Technician and the risk assessment implemented before the products, equipment or premises are used.
All staff members and learners
All staff members and learners have a responsibility to do everything they can to prevent injury to themselves, their colleagues and others affected by their actions or omissions at work. They are required to:
- Take reasonable care for their own health and safety and that of others.
- Co-operate with the Academy so far as is reasonably practicable to enable the Academy to carry out its own responsibilities.
- Not interfere with or misuse equipment, materials or facilities provided in the interest of health, safety or welfare in pursuance of any legal obligations.
- Co-operate in keeping a tidy and safe working environment.
- Observe and follow Academy health & safety regulations.
- Be appropriately dressed for the activity undertaken.
- Ensure that they take the necessary safety precautions in the use of all equipment, premises and materials.
- Report any accidents immediately to the lecturer in charge of their class or to the technician.
Tutors, trainers and assessors
Tutors, trainers and assessors are responsible through the technician for:
- Ensuring that the work of the Academy is carried out in accordance with the Health & Safety Policy and its Codes of Practice.
- The safety of learners whilst they are in their charge, whether in or outside the Academy.
- Ensuring that clear safety instructions and warnings are given.
- Personally following safe working procedures and observing general safety regulations.
- Ensuring that the management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations are adhered to.
- Reporting accidents immediately using the accident report form and completing additional necessary and appropriate accident forms if required.
- Ensuring that, in the event of a serious accident, nothing is disturbed at the scene of the accident, except as might be necessary for the removal of a casualty.
- Initiating first aid as appropriate within the guidance of this policy.
- Ensuring all fire doors are kept closed and are clear.
Technicians, Ancillary, Administrative, and all other employees not specifically identified in this policy statement are responsible for:
- Ensuring that the work of the Academy is carried out in accordance with the Health & Safety Policy and its Codes of Practice.
- Personally following safe working procedures and observing Academy and other safety regulations.
- Ensuring that they take the necessary safety precautions in the use of all equipment, premises and materials.
- Recording accidents immediately in the Accident Book and completing the necessary and appropriate accident forms.
- Ensuring that in the event of a serious accident nothing is disturbed at the scene of the accident, except as might be necessary for the removal of a casualty.
- Reporting defects to an immediate supervisor.
- Ensuring all fire doors are kept closed and are clear.
1. Authority to stop work
Management have the authority to stop dangerous or illegal practices and if necessary, to require workers to stop work.
2. Consultation
The Academy will consult with staff members by informing them of any changes to working practices, amendments to our safety procedures or changes in legislation. In addition, all staff members are encouraged to raise any issues regarding health and safety with their manager or with the Health and Safety Representative.
The Head of Apprenticeships must ensure that all employers adhere to the highest Health and Safety standards and that all BAJ apprentices work in a safe environment.
3. Safety information
The Health and Safety at Work poster is displayed in the lobby and refreshment areas in all properties.
All staff members are provided with a copy of our health and safety policy and rules when joining the Academy.
Copies of our risk assessments and COSHH assessment are kept by the technician and are supplied to staff members as appropriate to their jobs.
The fire regulations and evacuation procedures are displayed throughout the Academy. All workers are instructed to read these carefully, and to know what to do in the event of a fire.
Workers are requested to inform the Health and Safety Representative or where appropriate, the technician if any replacement first aid items are needed. Our first aiders are trained to Level 3 and must be contacted in the event that a member of staff or learner requires first aid treatment. First aiders in the building are listed in all workshops and on reception.
Accidents to members of staff and learners
If the accident is relatively minor and the casualty is moveable, the person in charge should arrange for the first aid person to attend.
If the injury is more serious:
- (a) Assess nature of injury and treat injury if appropriate, either
- (i) arrange for casualty to be conveyed to hospital, or
- (ii) call an ambulance.
- (b) If an accident happens, stop the class, stay with the injured person, and send another student to the office. The office team will call the emergency service.
First aid boxes are available in all appropriate rooms.
First Aiders signs will be in place throughout the Academy and amended as necessary.
First aid should only be administered by a qualified first aider.
All accidents must be reported to the Health and Safety Representative and technician as soon as possible with information of action taken and treatment given. A member of the senior management team will notify the parents/next of kin if necessary.
It is the responsibility of the person in charge when an accident occurs to fill in the Accident Report Book and other required forms as soon as possible after the accident.
4. Hazards and hazard reporting
Particular hazards relevant to The Academy:
- (a) Children will not be permitted to enter the Academy workshops.
- (b) Chemicals will be stored in accordance with relevant legislation and risk assessment requirements.
- (c) Protective clothing will be similarly stored.
- (d) Bottled gas/oxygen will be stored in accordance with relevant legislation and risk assessment requirements.
- (e) Noxious/poisonous/corrosive materials stored on the premises are kept in accordance with relevant legislation and risk assessment requirements.
- (f) Permanent signs are displayed in all relevant areas to notify of potential hazards.
Hazard reporting
Any suspected hazard is reported to the technician, who notifies the Health and Safety Representative if further action is required. Any employee whose work involves a hazard is authorised to cease the activity concerned until the hazard has been reported and if required the Group Head of Security, Property & Facilities confirms or rejects the action taken. Any damaged or defective equipment is reported to the technician immediately.
5. Health and safety rules
A copy of the general health and safety rules is given to each new staff member when joining the Academy. All staff members are required to read and follow all policies, procedures and codes of conduct.
Student workshop-specific information
All learners must:
- Wear appropriate footwear with closed toes for the workshop, avoid sandals or fashion shoes.
- Keep hair tied back and secure any jewellery or loose clothing.
- Wear appropriate clothing for the workshop with an apron – do not wear loose, clothing, dresses, skirts or short shorts in the workshop. All clothing must not cause any potential hazards in relation to operation of machinery or naked flames.
- Wear appropriate PPE i.e. apron, goggles, heat-resistant gloves and dust mask.
- Safe working procedures are displayed next to the machinery and must be displayed at all times. Do not use any machinery until you have been trained and instructed to do so.
- Mobile phones cannot be used at the bench.
- No food allowed in the workshop and drinks must be covered.
- Clean up your workspace before leaving by putting all tools away after use.
- Handle all chemicals with care and under supervision of the tutor.
- Know where the stop buttons are for electrical machinery and gas flow.
- Never walk away or leave a machine while it is still in motion.
- Know where the fire fighting equipment is located.
- Know where the First Aid Box is located.
- Report ALL accidents to the tutor.
- Sign in and out when required.
If you are unsure of any aspect of safety in the workshops, ask the tutor or any Academy employee.
6. Smoking
Our premises are designated “no-smoking” areas and this must be observed at all times by all staff members, learners and visitors. Failure to do so will lead to disciplinary action.
7. Alcohol and illegal drugs
Alcohol and illegal drugs are not allowed onto the premises. Any member of staff or learner who is found with these substances or whose ability to work is impaired due to them may be suspended and subject to disciplinary action. We currently do not undertake any routine or random testing for drugs or alcohol but we reserve the right to do so.
8. Pregnant women and those of childbearing age
A separate risk assessment covering pregnant women and those of childbearing age is regularly reviewed by the Group Head of Security, Property & Facilities. Once the Academy is informed that a member of staff or learner is pregnant or is breastfeeding, a specific risk assessment will be undertaken for that individual. All necessary steps will be taken to reduce any risk to the employee or her child.
9. Young workers
A specific risk assessment is carried out before employing a young person (any person who has not attained the age of 18). In particular, we consider the inexperience, lack of awareness or risks and immaturity of young persons; the fitting-out and layout of the workplace and workstations; the nature, degree and duration of exposure to physical, biological and chemical agents; the form, range and use of work equipment and the way it is used; the organisation of processes and activities; the required training as regards health and safety and other specified risks.
In addition, we provide the parent with comprehensible and relevant information on the risk to health and safety identified by the assessment and the preventative and protective measures taken.
10. Manual handling
All reasonable effort is made to limit the need for manual handling within the business. However, where necessary, staff members are provided with information and training on safe handling.
11. VDU users
Regular risk assessments are carried out for those staff members who regularly use VDUs and reasonable measures are taken to reduce the risk of repetitive strain injury. In addition, training is provided on the safe use of the equipment, and an assessment of each workstation undertaken. We meet the cost of regular eyesight tests and also the provision of spectacles for VDU use where these are deemed necessary.
12. Security
All reasonable efforts are made to provide secure premises and to ensure that employees can enter and leave our premises safely. Access to any potentially hazardous areas is limited to authorised persons. When leaving work at the end of a shift, employees are responsible for locking away confidential documents or valuable items. Anyone working on-site or alone on our premises should be made aware of our lone workers policy and ensure that they comply with the safety rules relating to them.
13. Medical checks and health surveillance
If any medical tests are necessary prior to an employee joining, this will be made clear on the offer letter and in the contract. It is a term in all of our employment contracts that employees should undergo a medical examination at any time should we have concerns about their health and feel this to be necessary.
14. Implementation, monitoring and review of this policy
This policy will take effect from dates at the top of this document. The Head of Quality has overall responsibility for implementing and monitoring this policy, which will be reviewed on a regular basis following its implementation (at least annually) and additionally whenever there are relevant changes in legislation or to our working practices.
Any queries or comments about this policy should be addressed to the Group Head of Security, Property & Facilities.
Originator: Quality Manager
Issue: FE/HSP_V9 2024
Approved: SMT September 2024
Review Date: August 2025